Minimally Invasive Gum Surgery

Is your gum disease having a negative effect on your oral health and your healthy smile? Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a common and frequent dental condition that affects the oral health of many Americans. Without proper professional treatment, gum disease can progress to gum recession, significant bone deterioration in your jaw, which leads to tooth loss and other serious health concerns.

Your dental team and the entire dental industry will always attempt to use the latest technological advancements for periodontal treatment. One of those innovative advancements is the use of a perioscope, a minimally invasive device that dramatically enhances the effectiveness of nonsurgical procedures, such as deep cleaning, or scaling and root planing. The addition of the perioscope will enhance and advance the success of your gum disease treatment and the overall results.

The Traditional Approach for Treating Gum Disease

Treatment for gum disease usually begins with a deep cleaning, called scaling and root planing, to remove the damaging bacterial plaque and tartar from your roots. Since the disease is actually beneath your gum line, your dental team is not able to see the root surfaces during this cleaning. This is a major reason advanced stages of gum disease often need gum surgery for successful results.

The Periscope Can Replace Periodontal Surgery in Many Cases

Perioscopy is no more invasive than a traditional deep cleaning, which includes the scaling and smoothing of the root’s surface. A local anesthetic is used to eliminate any discomfort, and the procedure usually takes from one to two hours to complete.

Because the periscope gives your dental team magnified views of the specific area that needs treatment, gum flap can now be avoided. Flap surgery creates a surgical opening that gives a clear view of, and access to, the area that is being treated.

To be able to remove the tartar and calculus effectively and successfully, it is greatly beneficial to have a clear view of the specific area. The periscope gives your dental team a view with illuminated and magnified images, up to 45x, on a monitor, which they then use to guide the precise and thorough removal of the tartar and calculus.

Now using tiny microsurgical instruments, they can reach the deeper areas and gently remove the sole source of the gum disease.

Removing the calculus results in a smooth surface on the root of the tooth. It is now difficult for bacteria to adhere and stick to these new smooth surfaces, so your gums will regenerate and recover without any further irritation. The gum tissue will naturally shrink, tighten, and reattach to your teeth to continue to play their protective role.

The final results achieved with the perioscope are more effective and successful than with traditional gum surgery or even laser-assisted gum disease treatment. With the addition of the perioscope, your dentist can actually see the roots during the cleaning of them and the surrounding infected tissues.

Perioscopy is non-invasive, successful, effective, and even more economical than traditional gum surgery. Your treatment can be achieved in a single visit. The only follow-up necessary is for your next checkup and cleaning in six months, to ensure that the revived healthy tissue stays that way.

What is a Perioscope